Hape Station Fire Truck and Helicopter-Firehouse Playset ($99.99 ) Even though I love Star Wars, and my grandson can't get enough Paw Patrol, I think there is a lot to be said for making sure that not all (or even most) of the toys in the house are "branded". If you buy into a media brand you're letting the conglomerate that owns it do the dreaming for your kids. This great firehouse is full of non-branded story starters: From the pretend water-tanker fire helicopter on the roof to the ladder truck in the garage, from the firehouse dog to the basketball court, from the old fashioned bell to the battery powered siren lights there are so many details that spark the imagination. Be advised, it took me a solid hour to build it. The pictograph instructions could be bigger and a bit more detailed. Don't try to build it with a child present; you'll need concentration (and a Phillips screwdriver).