J JamesGames.com Game Drive For Xbox

Game Drive For Xbox

More room to game!
By: James Oppenheim | Created: 2015-10-30 08:23:01 | (Updated: 0000-00-00 00:00:00)

If you've had an Xbox One since it came out last year there is a strong likelihood that you're running out of disk space! The basic unit only came with 500 GB of storage, and a lot of that goes to the operating system.

The solution is to add an external hard drive. As it turns out your Xbox One makes this pretty simple. You don't need a special hard drive to expand storage, so you may be a bit confused to see an Xbox Branded hard drive from Seagate; the Xbox One can format most USB drives as additional storage.

However, you do have to make a choice. Your drive can hold media or games. So, if you don't have an extra, unused drive, the Seagate drive is just what you need. It supplies an extra 2Tb, more than enough for another great year of gaming for most people (Seagate calculates it as room for "up to 50 games"). It is a USB 3.0 drive and it requires no external power supply. My only concern is that, like most portable drives, this one is light and subject to getting banged about if you move your Xbox (let's say to install a new controller). So, care should be taken. You've been warned, I'm not your mother.

Setup is easy: plug it into the Xbox One and you're prompted to name and format the drive.  It really couldn't be much more plug and play.  By the way, Seagate claims the drive also works with the Xbox 360, but I did not test it for this review.

The Game Drive for Xbox comes in a case clad in what can only be called "Xbox Green". Oddly, the Xbox One doesn't come in that color, but you know what I'm talking about...that distinctive green that Microsoft has been using since the original Xbox in all its branding. The color won't make the drive faster, but it will help you identify that this is your game drive, and could cut down on confusion later on. Yes, there are cheaper drives that will work on the Xbox One, but they won't be green.

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$ 99.00  