J JamesGames.com E3 2010: Back to Hard-Core Gaming at EA's Press Conference

E3 2010: Back to Hard-Core Gaming at EA's Press Conference

(Originally posted 06/15/2010)
A JamesGames  Review!
By: James Oppenheim | Created: 2012-05-23 11:21:34 | (Updated: 0000-00-00 00:00:00)
At last year's press conference EA shocked many by leading with titles aimed at kids (particularly young girls) and families. In one of the more uncomfortable E3 moment's ever, thousands of mostly male, testoserone driven journalists watched as a line of tween girls played party games. Can you say creepy? Well, that sojurn into pacifism and family harmony ended faster than Ahkenaten's brief experiment with monotheism at yesterday's EA press conference. Blood, guts and dismemberment were center stage.

The only family friendly titles that made it on stage were the new Active 2 exercise/lifestyle program that now works on all major consoles and (possibly) the new Need For Speed that goes back to the roots of the franchise with fast cars in high speed police chases. Of course, there were also the sports titles. Notably, Madden was featured and Tiger Woods was not.

We'll see what kid and family friendly titles are on the show floor tomorrow.